欢迎 to GA's 大学咨询 program! Navigating today’s college application process requires careful planning 和 preparation. 十大体育外围平台排名's team of college counselors educates students 和 parents about the world of college admissions so they can make informed choices that result in matriculation to a college or university where the student can continue to grow intellectually 和 emotionally.
College 咨询 at GA provides two essential services to students: 建议 和 咨询. As advisors, college counselors educate students about the college search 和 application processes. 作为顾问, college counselors develop relationships with their students, listen to their goals, 愿望, 和关切, 和 encourage them to explore colleges that will help them to continue the process that they have begun at GA, of becoming their best selves.
Current students 和 parents should access 大学咨询 resources in the Student Portal 和 Parent Portal on Veracross.